микросхема Vienne

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Visite.org Ville 38200 Vienne (Isère)
Vienne is one of the oldest towns in the Rhone Alps, originally settled close to the river Rhône with hills all around. For the best view over the town, you have to clamber to Vienne ’s highest point from where you can admire the majestic river, vine-covered slopes ( Côte-Rôtie, Condrieu…) and, in the distance, the Pilat mountain at the heart of a Natural Park .
Vienne is classified as a Ville d’Art et d’Histoire due to its rich and diverse history. Take a pleasant stroll through the historic streets, where relics from the past merge with the busy commercial activity of the town centre.

In the middle of the town : the Théâtre Antique. Similar to ancient theatres found in Rome and throughout Roman Europe, its 46 tiers could hold 13,000 people. Returning to its original purpose, today it is the venue for the annual International Festival “Jazz à Vienne”, which takes place during the first fortnight of July.

The Temple de Rome et d’Auguste
The monument is more commonly known as “ Temple d’Auguste et de Livie ”, set in a square in the town’s historic centre surrounded by café terraces – a place of hospitality and leisure.
Built around 30/20 BC, it is part of Vienne’s forum buildings.

The archeological site at Vienne/St Romain en Gal
In 1967 work started to build a school at St Romain en Gal, a village situated on the right bank of the Rhône. Just as archeologists had predicted, the diggers came up against remains from the Gallo-Roman time. The decision was taken to move the school further west, so that archeologists could continue digging to reveal one of the largest and best preserved examples of a Roman city between the first and third centuries, with its architecture, daily life, town planning and economic wealth.
Visitors can wander along Roman streets and admire the large houses which belonged to rich merchants.
The best known amongst them are the « Maison des Dieux Océans » and the « Maison aux 5 Mosaïques ». Since 1996 a museum has been added to the site at St Romain en Gal. It houses a stunning collection of mosaics, a valuable art form in this Gallo-Roman city. The concept of the museum, with its glass walls, aims to show the continuity between the archeological site, the river Rhône and Vienne itself.

связаться ' Vienne '

  • Hôtel Du Midi 8 Place Claude Barbier 38780 Vienne начиная с 65.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Hôtel Du Midi
  • Logis Relais 500 De Vienne Sur N 7 Sud De Vienne 38121 Vienne начиная с 56.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Logis Relais 500 De Vienne
  • Domaine de Clairefontaine 105 Chemin des Fontanettes 38121 Vienne начиная с 128.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Domaine de Clairefontaine
  • Hôtel Restaurant Les Feuillantines La Vialatte 43620 Saint-Pal-de-Mons

  • Chambres d'hôtes de Malvalette Le Bourg 43210 Malvalette

  • Hôtel Restaurant Les Balcons du Velay ZA La Borie 43120 Monistrol-sur-Loire

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