mini-icona Hôtel Restaurant Le Gardon

Alloggiamenti, affitti , Hotel ristorante Gard

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Hôtel Restaurant Le Gardon

Mme Jourdain Lieu di campchestève 30210 Collias (Gard)
Tel : 04 66 22 80 54  - Fax : 04 66 22 88 98
Guardare il sito 3* Hotel Restaurant amongst the vines and olive groves in Collias. Panoramic view of the Uzège valley.
Calm and tranquility guaranteed. 14 air conditioned rooms with all mod cons. Swimming pool, terrace, private car park, semi-gastronomical restaurant.

  • **TPictos-Hébergement**
  • Restauro
  • **TPictos-Accès handicapé**
  • Parcheggio
  • Si accettano animali domestici
  • **TPictos-Télévision**
  • Piscina
Metodi di pagamento
  • **TPictos-Chèque Vacances**
  • **TPictos-Chèque déjeuner**
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Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico Gard é gratuito